Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. -Isaiah 43:5

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.
-An Ancient Chinese Belief

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Emma Updates

It has been sometime since we have posted about Emma on the blog. With the holidays over and traveling done for a few weeks, thought we better update the blog site.

The Holidays were great with Emma and family gatherings. We had two different Christmas celebrations with Jenn's family and later with Eric's family. Both were fun and enjoyable, especially with having Emma home.

We recently, on Sunday/Monday, had a quick trip to Salt Lake City and to the Shriner's Hospital. Emma had an appointment with a hand specialist at the hospital to evaluate and xray her hand. She had been accepted to see a doctor there several months ago in Garden City at an eval clinic hosted by the local Shriners. We were not sure what the doctor would say about her hand, we were just hopeful that something could be done to make her hand more functional for her. The surgeon (who was also Chinese) said she could deepen the webbing in between what are Emma's fingers on here right hand. So on March 16th we will drive to SLC again and Emma will have an outpatient surgery on her hand. We will probably stay in SLC another night so Emma can recover better and get some rest before spending another six hours traveling.

We have always known about the Shriners, but never fully understood what they do, until know. They provide many different care/services for children from 0-18 years of age, all free of charge. So we figured that even if they could not do anything for Emma's hand now, they might later on and she would at least be in their system.

So for now that is the newest for the Steiner family. We will probably put somemore updates in the next few weeks. We have an upcoming court appointment in Canyon County (don't know when yet) to officially (in the eyes of Idaho) adopt Emma. Even though she is officially ours, it is a formallity that we have to go through in order to get a state issued birth certificate and social security number for Emma (even though she is an official US citizen) More Hoops to jump through. We are also planning on going to go to McCall the end of the month for Winter Carnival (Emma's first).