Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. -Isaiah 43:5

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.
-An Ancient Chinese Belief

Thursday, August 21, 2008

OK we've been home for almost 4 weeks now and everyone is doing great. Emma has adjusted to our new home very well. It has taken Emma a while to get used to our 100 lb. yellow lab, but she now will go out her way to give her a few pats on the head or just pet her.

Her favorite thing besides her mama and baba are flowers. It doesn't seem to matter whether she sees pictures of flowers, fake flowers, or real ones, she starts saying "flo-flo, flo-flo, flo-flo." We noticed while we were in Lanzhou that every time we walked by a certain building that had many flowers in front she would stop there if she was walking and examine them very intently. Luckily we have marigolds, roses, and other flowers planted in our front and back yards.

Emma is saying quite a few other words now like: thank you, hello, bye bye, mama, baba, woof woof (for dog or any other animal). She is working on "your welcome," but hasn't quite got it down yet. Emma has also learned some sign language for: please, more, all done/all gone, eat, and drink. Unfortunately for mama and baba, she likes to use "eat" all the time. She will grab our fingers, walk us to the kitchen, wants to be picked up, and then points to her mouth.

Emma always wakes happy in the morning and greets us with a smile. We both can ask for kisses from Emma and she will gladly give them to us. She is still sleeping from around 8 at night to 7 or 8 in the morning. She has been cutting some more teeth lately and had one night that she woke up and kept us up for several hours until we could lay her back down again.

We are planning to take Emma to church this upcoming Sunday. So we are hoping all goes well for her appearance. Everyone at church has asked at least two - three times now, "when are you bringing Emma." We feel she is doing well enough with us now, that we can start breaking her in around bigger groups. So this will be our first big adventure with Emma since we have been home, besides going to the doctor.

Well I better post some new pictures of Emma. She really doesn't like getting her picture taken. So we have quite a few pictures that we think are going to be the cutest, but she either turns to fast or changes position before we can snap the shot. But here a few of the better ones we have been able to get.

Blogger is not cooperating right now. We will try to post some pictures later.


Kym said...

I am so glad to hear the great update. I look forward to seeing all three of you together Sunday!

Leah said...

So exciting! Can't wait to see you guys on Sunday!