Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. -Isaiah 43:5

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.
-An Ancient Chinese Belief

Thursday, February 21, 2008

2 Journeys In 1

When we first started our adoption journey, we researched the process very extensively (so we thought). But as we became more emmersed into our journey to Emma our eyes and minds were opened to a whole new world of adoption related web sites, web groups, chat rooms, adoption rumor sites, and online adoption communities. Most all of these sites have provided an abundance of information for us. Information that has frustrated us, gives us hope, made us cry, made us rejoice. But all in all, we have become more informed about our adoption journey.

As many have heard adoption in China has become veerrryyyy vveeerrrryyyyy slow. There are so many different reasons why there is a slow down, that it is hard to say that is exactly one specific thing that is slowing it down. We have recieved many letters from our agency founders (who happen to be Chinese) about the increasing and extended wait, trying to help explain it to everyone. But the fact remains it is slow and up to a 3 or 4 year wait for anyone entering the program now. They cant even tell us how long it will be for our specific wait. They tell us on a monthly basis that "the current wait time is........" Meaning that people who are receiving referrals now are waiting 24-27 months, as of the February last newsletter.

After reading posts, websites, blogs, and our adoption agency newsletters, we learned about 2 different adoption routes in China. They have the traditional NSN (non special needs) route and the SN (special needs) route. SN children have minor to major health/physicals needs that prevent them from being in the traditional adoption program. They might have visible birthmarks, scars, burns, limb differences, cleft lips, cleft palates, missing or extra digits, heart defects, blind, deaf, and also includes older children up to 13 years old, both boys and girls.

When we first heard of the SN adoption route we started reading more about the children in the orphanges with special needs. Most (but not all) agencies have a special needs adoption program, which they post a list of children that they have available for adoption through there specific agency. We were being drawn to these sites more and more feeling that there was a place in our hearts and home for one of these children. In reality, the sad thing is that these children are no different than any of the others except for there specific need.

We decided a year into our wait for Emma, that she could be one of these special girls that might otherwise be overlooked just because she was different in some other way. And who knows, no one might ever know how or why she is different then anybody else. So, as of June 03, 2007, we submitted a MCC (medical conditions checkist) to our agency with what special needs we would consider, could handle, and be open to. We will probably be matched with Emma off this list before we ever make it to a NSN referral in 2009 or 2010 or 2011.

We know this is a long post and many of you know where we are at in our process already, but we wanted to help keep everyone up to date with what is happening in our Journey to Emma. We also know that you all love us and its hard to keep asking "Have you heard anything?" as it is hard for us to keep saying "No we havent." So keep us in your prayers as we get a little closer everyday and don't stop asking us "have you heard anything," cause one day you may just get a different answer. :)

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