Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. -Isaiah 43:5

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.
-An Ancient Chinese Belief

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Our Long Long Long Adoption Process

As many of you know we (Eric & Jennifer) have been in an adoption process since spring of 2006 (specific dates don't come to mind because it was so long ago). Many of you have been involved in the process from the very start as you have submitted referals for our application / homestudy, prayed for us, encouraged us, asked about our process, etc....etc....etc. We THANK and LOVE all of YOU for your support through our painfully long process.

We decided to start this web blog to keep everybody updated about where we are at in the process. We know you are all very interested and like to be updated about any information we might know at any given point. Sometimes we might know more about where we are at in line (of 30,000+ China adoptive parents) or we just dont have a clue what-so-ever. When we started our journey to Emma, China was stated as the most reliable adoption program out there and we would have her in 9-12 months. Well 20 months later that is not the case anymore. Even the adoption agencies aren't sure what is going on at any given time anymore. We don't want this web blog to take the place of any questions/answers/updates that we normally share with all of you. In fact we hope it will bring up more questions/answers/updates that you might be wanting to know about.

So, as we continue our China Journey to Emma, we hope to post more in this web blog about our wait, updates and any information about our lives that we want to share with others. And one day this whole blog can and will probably be published into a book for Emma.

1 comment:

Mr. Webber said...

Hey, we're still praying for you guys and your journey to Emma. We added your blog to our favorites list, so we'll be checking back often. God Bless, Mark & Krista